Lili Zheng

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I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rice University, advised by Prof. Genevera Allen.

Previously, I completed my Ph.D. in the Department of Statistics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, under the supervision of Prof. Garvesh Raskutti. I received my bachelor's degree at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2016.

Research interest: I am broadly interested in developing efficient and trustworthy statistical methods for large-scale and complex real-world data set. In particular, I have been working on the following topics: graphical models, Granger causality networks, missing data, model-agnostic variable importance, high-dimensional inference, tensor data analysis, stochastic algorithms, non-convex optimization.

I will join UIUC Statistics as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2024!

E-mail: lz67 [AT] rice [DOT] edu
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Working Papers

(*: equal contribution)

  • Cluster Quilting: Spectral Clustering for Patchwork Learning
    Lili Zheng, Andersen Chang, Genevera I. Allen


(*: equal contribution)


(*: equal contribution)